Look what they wrote about our garden!!

I love our neighborhood!  We are becoming one of the first “Green” neighborhoods in LA and the people are always coming up with new ways to improve things.  On April 25th, the Mar Vista Community Council is organizing a Green Garden Showcase, where they are inviting neighbors to show off their gardens that have a sustainable aspect.  Examples of this are edible gardens, drought-tolerant landscapes, rainwater capture, or homes in transition to sustainability.

I decided to enter the showcase, to introduce the community to our wonderful school garden.  Here is what they wrote about us:

“How incredible would it have been to go to school and get our hands in the dirt? To feel the pride of taking food home that we had grown ourselves? This is the experience that kids get at the Grandview School Learning Garden.

This is a school garden, with a focus on edibles and California natives. They have various fruit trees and flowering vines bordering the garden.

Melissa Davis adopted the garden when she moved here four years ago. Wait until you see what she has done with limited space and sunlight. Check out the Meyer lemon tree and the volunteer cilantro and fennel from previous plantings.

The garden attracts lots of birds, bees, and ladybugs – which the kids adore. They try to take them home sometimes.

They have a broken irrigation system that gives her plenty of headaches in the summer. They have tried to improvise with water timers – mostly, they water by hand about twice a week.

There are several composters in the garden. Vermicomposter, old cone style, open composter, and a fancy closed version.

Isn’t this what school should be about?”

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Evelyne Stromki says:

    Good job, Melissa! Keep up the excellent work with the kids and the gardens..

  2. marcia says:

    Look what they wrote about our garden!!!!!
    Way to go!!!
    love from Kalispell Montana

  3. Becky says:

    Kudos, Melissa!

  4. Angela says:

    How cool! Great job!

  5. Hillary Erlich says:

    Yea Melissa! We are so lucky to have you at Grand View!

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